Dear parents, students and families,

Further to the message earlier today the following information provides details of the learning program for students over the next 7 days.

Friday 28th May – Pupil free day. There will be no classes on site or remotely. Students will be able to access the College to collect any resources from lockers and / or receive IT support between the hours of 9am-12pm. (please email the technicians on prior to attending the College)

On site supervision will be provided for students that have completed an application to attend.

Monday 31st May – Remote learning begins. Students will start the day with an extended Form Assembly / Pastoral care class starting at 9am until 9.45am. On line classes on Microsoft Teams will begin period 2 and finish at the end of period 4. There are no period 5 classes on Monday.

Tuesday 1st – Thursday 3rd June – Remote learning continues. All lessons will be live on Microsoft Teams. All lessons will be 45mins in duration. Classes will be as timetabled from Form Assembly until the end of period 4. There will be no period 5 classes (apart from selected VCE and VCAL. VET class information is below)

Friday 4th June – Classes scheduled to recommence back on site (pending DET and State Government approval)

VET classes
All VET classes normally undertaken on site will occur remotely and will finish at 3.10pm
All VET classes that students attend external to the College – communication should occur between the various providers and the students enrolled in these courses.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the College via email ( or phone.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our students and staff for the calm and focussed approach that they showed today in preparing for next week.

Thanks again for your support and patience,

David Caughey
College Principal