Welcome to the 2023 school year!
We trust our students had a safe and enjoyable break and families have made the most of the holiday season. We would especially like to welcome our new families to the Cranbourne Secondary College community, a community that works together to support the learning and wellbeing of our students.
Below is information that will assist in ensuring a smooth start to the new school year.
School commencement dates 2023
Friday 27 January – Staff return to the College
Monday 30 January – student free day
Tuesday 31 January – Year 7, 11 & 12 commence. There will be a welcome breakfast for all families of year 7 in the main courtyard of the College.
Wednesday 1 February – All students in attendance
Our staff and leaders will be available to support students.
Student Dress Code
All students are to arrive in their full school uniform on the first day of school.
A reminder to our school community, that students will need to wear a school uniform:
- during school hours
- travelling to and from school
- during school activities that are outside school hours.
Information on our dress code may be accessed here.
We would like to thank our parents and carers for preparing your children, our students, for learning each and every day by ensuring your child attends school on time, brings the necessary books and resources to school, and is in correct uniform.
We look forward to another exciting and productive year ahead for the Cranbourne Secondary College community!