The Cranbourne Secondary College Library is an integral component of the College‘s educational program.
The friendly, experienced library staff encourage all students to make full use of the Library Reading Area which has colourful displays of current teenage fiction and an extensive and popular Series Section. Student requests and recommendations are valued and our collection includes Manga, Graphic Novels and Quick Reads as well as favourites from popular authors and recent releases.
Students can also access popular fiction in eBook format, on their netbooks, through Wheelers eLibrary, both at school and at home.
Library staff are always happy to provide assistance and advice regarding research using our cloud based Infiniti software system that integrates educational websites, ClickView Video Library and the extensive book collection.
Lunchtimes are very popular with students enjoying a variety of card and board games. Students also enjoy quiet social time and sharing the latest computer games.
Year 7 and 8 students are allocated one period /week in the library as part of the DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) program to encourage reading and enable students to borrow easily from both our fiction and non fiction collection and facilitate research activities.