In Years 11 and 12 students are entering the final years of their schooling and will make decisions that will influence future career pathways.
Initiative, personal responsibility for learning and a strong sense of commitment are central to our students’ life in the Senior School. The collaborative partnerships between staff, students and their families strengthen as the students are supported in their quest for VCE or VCE VM success and successful career pathways.
We prioritise ensuring our students are well prepared for a University or TAFE of their choice or to pursue employment and vocational training with distinction and confidence. Students are given access to a full range of VCE, Vocational Education and Training (VET), and VCE VM programs.
High achieving students continue to be challenged through enrichment programs in English, English as a Second Language, Maths Methods and Specialist Maths, and the opportunity for Year 11 students to study a Year 12 subject.
To ensure students are thoroughly prepared and confident for their future, the Managed Individual Pathways (MIPs) Program intensifies with individual course counselling, subject selection and planning advice and guidance in choosing an appropriate post-Year 12 pathway.
Please refer to the Senior Years Handbook for more detailed information about Year 11 & 12 courses.
In Year 10 the curriculum choices expand to meet the broadening interests and capabilities of the students. Increased self-reliance is fostered as students become more mature and independent.
High-achieving students are offered advanced study options. This includes the opportunity for Year 10 students to study one Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) subject. During the Middle School years, the College begins to focus on and explore the students’ post-college future. Guided by the Managed Individual Pathways Program (MIP’s), students learn to use career development tools.
They receive course counselling and subject selection advice tailored to their individual preferences and abilities. In Year 10, the MIP’s Program provides students with further guidance and advice on pathway choices. Students have the opportunity to participate in work experience.
This is a critical stage in secondary education and the College focuses on supporting students to choose appropriate pathways through VCE, VCE VM, VET and beyond in tertiary studies (University/TAFE) or employment.
Please refer to the Year 10 Handbook for more detailed information about Year 10 courses.
Also, find translated information here:
What is the VCE?
The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) is a recognised course of study that provides pathways for students into employment, TAFE, and tertiary institutions. Students are assessed and ranked, and it is this Australian Tertiary Admission Ranking (ATAR) that is required for university entrance.
To obtain a VCE, students must satisfactorily complete at least 16 units of study including:
Who should do the VCE?
Every unit has learning outcomes that are obtained through a set of varied activities directly related to the areas of study. The classroom teacher (using a range of assessment methods) is responsible for assessing outcomes.
For students undertaking Units 1 & 2, there will be graded tasks in each unit. Students will also be required to sit a school based examination at the end of each unit.
For students undertaking Units 3 & 4, there will be School Assessed Coursework (SAC), School Assessed Tasks (SAT) and/or Externally Assessed Tasks for each unit. In each unit there will be a combination of school assessed work and examinations that are assessed directly by the VCAA.
Grades will be awarded on the scale A+, A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, E+, E, UG or NA. All marks and grades awarded by the school are conditional and may change as a result of statistical moderation conducted by the VCAA.
ATAR stands for Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank, so it is a rank – not a score. It is represented as a number between 0 and 99.95 in intervals of 0.05, with 99.95 being the highest rank.
Because the ATAR is a rank, there is no pass or fail ATAR. Everyone who receives an ATAR has successfully passed the VCE. The ATAR simply demonstrates each student’s achievement in relation to all other students in the Year 12 age group. For example someone receiving an ATAR of 55, has performed better than 55 per cent of the Year 12 age group that year.
Subjects aren’t scaled because of how ‘hard’ or ‘easy’ we think they are. In reality, every subject is scaled in the same way: based on the strength of the competition in a particular year. VCE Study Scores are standardised rankings, or relative positions, reported on a scale between 0 and 50, with a middle ranking of 30. So, a student with a Study Score of 30 has performed better than half the students in that subject for that year. Scaling is applied to determine the difficulty in achieving the middle ranking – the median study score of 30 – in each subject.
Take Economics as an example. To scale this subject The Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) looks at all of the students that took Economics this year and calculates the average of each of these students, across all of their other VCE studies. Where the average study score of a subject is above the mean (30), then the study is scaled up, because it shows that those students performed above average overall, meaning that there was higher competition in Economics – it was harder to get that middle score of 30. If Economics students performed below average in all of their other studies, then Economics would scale down, because that shows us that there was less competition in Economics this year. Check out the ‘ABC of Scaling’ for more information about the scaling process.
An ATAR aggregate is calculated by adding:
The aggregate will be converted into a ranking of between 0 and 99.95 (the ATAR).
Current Year 10 students wishing to enrol in a VCE program must choose 6 VCE Unit 1 and 2 subjects.
Students can also select a VCE-VET (Cranbourne VET) to include into their program. A VCE-VET (Cranbourne VET) can be selected in place of one Unit 1 and 2 subject.
Maths is not a compulsory subject but it is highly recommended for students who are unsure about their career pathway.
Students are planning a two year study program. The majority of students will study 6 subjects in VCE Year
In VCE Year 12 students complete 5 subjects. Students need to include prerequisites for any university or TAFE courses that they intend to pursue. Students should visit the VTAC website to complete research into course prerequisites.
Year 11 VCE students can choose a Cranbourne VET program (NOT a SELLEN VET) as one of their subjects.
Upon successful completion of a Cranbourne VET program, a student will receive the nationwide Certificate level qualification for that program. Some VET subjects can be calculated as part of the final ATAR score. For more about VET studies, please refer to the VET section in the Senior Years Handbook or speak to our VET Coordinator.
Some VCE students might have a slightly unusual program – for example, if a student is enrolled in an external language study, or they are completing additional units or they are completing a course over three years. *If this is your situation, you need to speak directly to the Head of VCE to discuss the implications of this for your subject selection.
The VCE Vocational Major is a vocational and applied learning program within the VCE designed to be completed over a minimum of two years. The VCE VM will give students greater choice and flexibility to pursue their strengths and interests and develop the skills and capabilities needed to succeed in further education, work and life.
It prepares students to move into apprenticeships, traineeships, further education and training, university (via non-ATAR pathways) or directly into the workforce. The purpose of the VCE VM is to provide students with the best opportunity to achieve their personal goals and aspirations in a rapidly changing world by:
The VCE VM curriculum (Literacy, Numeracy, Personal Development Skills and Work Related Skills) is engaging, and based on real life. It gives students in-demand skills needed for the future world of work.
Applied learning teaches skills and knowledge in the context of ‘real life’ experiences. Students apply what they have learnt by doing, experiencing and relating acquired skills to the real-world. It enables flexible, personalised learning where teachers work with students to recognise their strengths, interests, goals, and experiences.
This is a shift from the traditional focus on a discrete curriculum to a more integrated and contextualised approach to learning. Students learn and apply the skills and knowledge required to solve problems, implement projects or participate in structured workplace learning.
Students must complete a minimum of three other Unit 3–4 sequences as part of their program. Units 3 and 4 of VCE VM studies may be undertaken together over the duration of the academic year to enable these to be integrated.
Please refer to the Senior Years Handbook for more detailed information about Year 11 & 12 courses.
Students moving into Year 11 VCE may choose to include a VET (Vocational Education and Training) course as part of their studies, whilst those undertaking VCAL MUST choose a VET course as part of theirs.
A VET course provides a nationally recognised qualification and may lead to employment or further training in the area. Some VET courses are also eligible to be counted towards the final VCE ATAR score where the student undertakes a scored assessment of the course.
VET courses are delivered by TAFE or other Registered Training Organisations (including schools) but are quite different to the type of work done as a “school” subject. All VET courses have both theory and practical components and students must be prepared and able to complete both components of the course. VET courses are assessed according to competency – that is, the student can demonstrate the ability to do or understand the material in the unit being covered. Students who select a VET need to be aware that they are making a commitment to a 2-year course of study. Students must also realise that they are expected to display the maturity, responsibility and confidence to successfully participate in an adult learning environment.
The VET subjects that can be chosen are slightly different for VCE and VCAL students. The VET subjects listed in the following section are available for Year 11 and Year 12 VCE students to choose from. These courses will run (subject to student numbers) at either Cranbourne Secondary College or Lyndhurst Secondary College (Automotive).
VCAL students may choose from these VET courses, but will also have the opportunity to choose from a much wider range of courses from a group called the SELLEN cluster. Please refer to the Senior School Handbook for a list of SELLEN VET subjects that are currently on offer.
Students who choose a SELLEN course must be able to get themselves independently to the venue of the course.
If a Year 11 VCAL student has already successfully completed a VET course, they may choose to undertake another course or to undertake two days work placement for their Year 12 VCAL course. Most VET courses are two years, so they will only be able to complete part of the course but will receive credit for units successfully completed in any further study.
These courses are available to BOTH VCE and VCE VM students. Students who want to take up a VET course not listed here must do VCE VM.
As the list is extensive, students can speak with the VET coordinator (in the V Block Careers office) for SELLEN VET courses.
Please refer to the Senior School Handbook for more detailed information.