Cranbourne Secondary College is one of many Victorian Secondary Schools with the Doctors in Secondary Schools (DiSS) program running.
The DiSS program runs every Monday between 9 am and 1 pm during the school term.
As part of this program, we are fortunate to have Dr Wes and practice Nurse Danneil from Headspace with us every Monday of the school term. They will be available to see students in the GP building (on school grounds), where they can provide free, primary health care services, just as you would expect in the community.
We know that teenagers are the least likely of all age groups to seek health care, but we also know that many health problems that can have consequences into adulthood start at this time of life. This program seeks to address this issue.
The Headspace Doctor (GP) can see young people who need help with:
You can support the success of this program by talking to your child about the program and encouraging them to access the doctor if they need primary health care.
What will the Doctor do?
The doctor will provide students with the same services as the kind normally provided by doctors in the community, including seeing students about their physical and mental health, and sexual and reproductive health issues. The doctor may also make referrals to other health services as required.
The doctor will bulk bill consultations through Medicare, so there will be no out-of-pocket expenses for this service for your child.
This program is not designed to replace any existing medical arrangements your child may have in place. The DiSS Program can provide a convenient alternative to primary care within school hours, and encourage health care access to those students without an existing relationship with a doctor.
The program is intended to provide better access to primary care for secondary school students. Therefore, parents, carers, guardians and other family members are not able to use this service.
Accessing the Doctor
Generally, all students can make an appointment to see the doctor. Victorian law is clear on how and when students can consent to medical treatment by a doctor:
Mature minors are students under the age of 18 years who are deemed capable of seeking and obtaining health care for their particular medical issue. The doctor will assess if a student is a mature minor concerning the issue for which they are seeking medical treatment at that appointment.
If the doctor considers your child to be a mature minor, they may see them without you. The doctor will often encourage your child to involve you in their care, and doctors understand you are an important source of information and support for your child when it comes to their health. If the doctor thinks your child is not a mature minor, your consent will be sought if the student wishes to progress with the treatment.
More information on consent, confidentiality and medical treatment by a doctor is included in the information sheet, which is on the Doctors in Secondary Schools webpage at:
Information for Parents and Carers: Doctors in Secondary Schools
When does the Program run?
Who is Involved?
Headspace acts as a one-stop-shop for young people who need help with the following:
General Practitioner: Dr Wesley Ang
Youth Health Nurse: Danneil Hayes
Cranbourne Secondary College GP in School Program Administrator: Melissa Bannister
Dr Wes and Nurse Danneil will also work collaboratively with the Student Wellbeing team regarding referrals and more ongoing support (however importantly, all appointments are confidential which means all discussions will be kept private).
Why is there a Doctor at my School?
The doctor is at the school to help students be as healthy as possible. The doctor is a great place to start if you are concerned or want help, information, or advice about any health issues including:
How to Book an Appointment
Very Important to Know – Confidentiality
Other Important Things to Know!
Student Information: Doctors in Schools