Our school is a collaborative environment that offers high-quality, ongoing professional learning and development opportunities.
We recognise that exceptional staff are essential in delivering educational excellence, which is why we place so much importance on hiring the best people, supporting and enabling staff development opportunities, and maintaining our strong, values-based culture. Cranbourne Secondary College staff are dedicated and highly skilled professionals who care for the wellbeing of all members of our community and who are dedicated to the education and personal development of our students.
Our staff embrace our values and educational philosophy within this highly supportive and nurturing environment.
School Tour
The Principal Team conducts tours of the school prior to the closing date for applications.
Prospective applicants are encouraged to visit. To register for a tour, please contact us at (03) 5996 3544 or cranbourne.sc@education.vic.gov.au
Applying for positions
Applications for current teacher and education support positions at Cranbourne Secondary College must be received through Recruitment Online.
Applicants must include in their application:
- A specific response to all of the Key Selection Criteria and position details.
- A Cover Letter introducing yourself and providing your name, record number (if currently employed by DE), home address, telephone numbers (home, work and mobile) and the vacancy number of the position.
- Resume including a summary of experience and qualifications and correct and up-to-date information, including Victorian Institute of Teaching and visa and/or citizenship details.
You can view more information regarding how to apply for a job on the Department of Education – Recruitment Online page.
Casual Relief Staff
Teachers interested in being employed on a daily basis at the College as Casual Relief Teachers (CRTs) are invited to contact the Daily Organiser on (03) 5996 3544 or to submit their resumes via the College email address cranbourne.sc@education.vic.gov.au for inclusion on the College list of available CRTs.