Teaching & Learning
At Cranbourne Secondary College, we strive to provide a safe and supportive 21st century learning environment, where all members of our school community work together with respect, integrity and enthusiasm. We encourage students to pursue personal and academic growth and to commit to becoming well-informed and active members of the wider community.
The first basis of learning for the school is getting to know our students. From this the teaching staff use assessments and data to set and track student learning. Students are consistently monitored and work is differentiated to target where their learning is at. From this basis students achieve at least a year’s growth in a subject.
Over the last few years the school has developed a Learning Architecture framework that informs all learning. This is being implemented on a whole school basis beginning with the junior school curriculum.
The school sets Common Assessment Tasks (CATs) which are the final assessment tasks of a unit of learning.
We also seek to foster the whole student and offer many opportunities both curricular and co-curricular which enable the student to discover and develop their individual creative and intellectual and physical capabilities, expertise and passions.
Cranbourne Secondary College understands that each student will learn, develop and progress differently and we achieve this through the many and varied pathways for students that we provide.