IT in Learning
At Cranbourne Secondary College teachers and students integrate digital technologies into learning activities across the curriculum.
Digital Technologies
In Years 7 & 8 all students undertake Digital Technologies where they study coding, learn about programming language and explore how the internet is developed. This equips them with the skills to negotiate ICT throughout their life.
In the newly built Visual Arts Centre the College provides a significant number of powerful specialist machines with industry standard software. Subjects that benefit include Visual Communication, Media, Product Design, Photography and Art.
eSmart Program
eSmart Schools provides a framework that guides the introduction of policies, practices and whole-school change processes to support the creation of a cyber safe or eSmart environment.
The eSmart Framework is organised into six domains:
- Effective school organisation
- School plans, policies and procedures
- A respectful and caring school community
- Effective teacher practices
- An eSmart curriculum
- Partnerships with parents and local communities
Learning Technology Program
Our Learning Technology program is an exciting opportunity to improve student engagement, promote greater academic achievement and provide teachers and students new ways to learn and collaborate.
Some ways our students will use their computer include:
- Using Word to write letters and essays
- Using Publisher to create posters and brochures
- Using the Edustar software
- Adobe programs
- Accessing podcasts and videos created by their teachers
- Using online learning tools such as Edrolo, Education Perfect
- Using online communication tools such as Email, Compass and Office365
- Completing digital worksheets and workbooks
Students in Year 7, 8 & 9 purchase a Windows based device running Windows 10 from the school. The best price with insurance has been organised for parents and students. We do not support Apple Mac, iPad and Android Tablets in Year 7-9.
Students in Year 10 are able to purchase or bring their own device. Mobile Phones or devices with screens less than 10 inches are not acceptable. The College has a BYOD portal to support parents with choosing an acceptable device at a competitive price.
Students in Year 7-9 who do not bring, a computer to school every day will be able to borrow one from the IT Office at the beginning of every day and then must return it at the end of every day. We only have a limited number of computers which students may borrow.
Details of the College BYOD Netbook Program can be found here